You can eat these crepes alone or add a sweet or savoury filling. They are also perfect for breakfast, as a snack, or even for dinner!

A few years ago, we visited some friends who live in the mountains. After the first day of meetings, the following morning, we decided to have breakfast on a small terrace with a great view. It was a rainy morning, and the fireplace was warming the whole room.

Our friend decided to make us some crepes for breakfast. It was an idyllic moment; we had just woken up, it was raining outside and we were warm by the fireplace, enjoying the mountain view through the windows. And we were eating freshly made crepes filled with home-made jam.

I asked him for the recipe, expecting to see a recipe book or a sheet with the written version. Instead, he told me: “Note this down: take a blender glass and add 1 finger or 3 tablespoons of oil, a pinch of salt and another of sugar, one whole raw egg without the shell, five heaped tablespoons of flour, and a glassful of 50 % milk and 50 % water. Whip everything together, then pour a small coffee cupful of the mixture into a hot frying pan, one by one.”

It´s that simple! It is a recipe he has always made that he inherited from his mother and it is so easy… If you want, you do not need a weighing scale.

Since then, it is a recipe that never fails to please. For breakfast, for a snack, or dinner, with sweet or savoury fillings, they are always a success!

February 2nd is the day of the Crepe, better known as “La Chandeleur” or Candlemas. A day to gather with your family and friends to prepare and eat crepes.

The crepe, crepa, crêpe, or crep is a French recipe that consists of a dough made of flour, milk, water, egg, oil, sugar, and salt. A thin pancake is made using a crepe maker or a pan.

February 2nd the day of the Crepe is celebrated in France, better known as “La Chandeleur” or Candlemas. It is a festivity that takes place 40 days after Christmas and it is traditional to gather with family and friends to prepare and eat crepes.

You can make crepes with any type of flour (pastry flour or four zeros (0000) or strong flour or two or three zeros (00 or 000)). The only thing you have to keep in mind is to blend the mixture to ensure the right consistency after whipping the ingredients.

If you use strong flour, remember to add less flour than indicated in the recipe. It is better to have more liquidy dough at the beginning and add more flour to adjust than have a very thick dough and have to add more water or milk.

And the essential trick when making the crepes: Add a little oil when heating the pan or crepe maker you are going to use. And once it is hot, remove the oil and add the mixture. With this, you will get perfect crepes without sticking!

You can use this trick if you feel like making some pancakes! Here you can find the recipe I use to make delicious pancakes.

And the essential trick: Add a little oil to the pan or the crepe maker. And once it is hot, remove the oil and add the mixture. With this, you will get perfect crepes without sticking!

Crepes. Final Product2

I prefer eating them with sweet stuffing (jam, chocolate, fruit, …), but you can also eat them with savoury filling (cheese, chopped ham, bacon, …). They are also ideal for breakfast, as a snack, or even for dinner!

Let´s go with this easy recipe!

Difficulty: EASY

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Baking time/crepe: 2 minutes


INGREDIENTS (For 6 -8 crepes)

Crepes. Ingredients used


  • 5 overfilled tablespoons or 120 g flour
  •  1/2 glass or 125 g water
  • 1/2 glass or 125 g milk
  • 1 finger or 20 g olive oil (0,4 º)
  • 1 egg (L)
  • 1 hint of sugar
  • 1 hint of salt


In a blender glass, add: 1 finger (20 g oil), 5 overfilled tablespoons (120 g flour), 1/2 glass (125 g) of water, 1/2 glass (125 g) of milk, 1 egg (L), 1 hint of sugar and 1 hint of salt.

Whip them until everything is well combined.

In a pan with medium heat (5-6 out of 9), add a drizzle of oil.

When the pan is hot, clean part of the oil with kitchen paper.

Add the batter (previously whipped) to the pan. Calculate to cover all the pan or the surface you want.

Cook the dough for 1 minute or until it is done.

Flip the crepe and cook the other side for 1 minute or until done.

Serve the crepe on a plate and fill it with what you like most.

Do you want to have this crepes recipe in Spanish? Click it here!


Recipe by Kokohuete Bakery
Amount produced

6 - 8

Total Preparation time


Cooking time/crepe




  • 5 heaped tablespoons or 120 g wheat flour

  • 1/2 glass or 125 g water

  • 1/2 glass or 125 g milk

  • 20 g olive oil (0,4º)

  • 1 egg (L)

  • 1 hint of sugar

  • 1 hint of salt


  • Add all ingredients in a blender glass
  • Whip them until everything is well combined
  • In a pan with medium heat (5-6 out of 9), add a drizzle of oil
  • When the pan is hot, clean most of the oil with a kitchen paper
  • Add the mixture (previously whipped) to the pan. Calculate to cover all the pan or the surface you want
  • Cook the dough for 1 minute or until it is done
  • Flip the crepe and cook the other side for 1 minute or until done
  • Serve the crepes on a plate and fill it with what you like most

Recipe Video

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