Langues de chat are small, long, and thin biscuits, very popular in France, Italy, Spain, and all over the world! But why this name? Basically they look like a cat´s tongue!
The origin of the langues de chat biscuits remains a mystery. This small biscuit is prominently featured in all of the culinary history books and traditional cookbooks. Although nobody knows who invented the langues de chat, it is believed that its origin most likely comes from France in the 17th century.
Langues de chat are small, sweet, long, and thin biscuits… and they look like a cat´s tongue!
So, what is a “Langue de chat”? Langue de chat is the French translation of “cat´s tongue”. In Spanish it is called “Lenguas de gato” and in Italian “Lingues di gatto”. All countries use the same name for these delicious biscuits!
And, if you like this recipe, Why not try this classic and delicious French Brioche recipe?

They are made form whipped egg whites, butter, flour, and sugar. After that, the mixture is placed in an oven paper (long and narrow biscuits) and later they are baked in the oven until cooked.
I used the whole egg to make them (to make the most of it and use also the egg yolk), however you can made them using only egg whites and use the egg yolks in other sweet recipes.
Once baked, you must store them in an airtight container, to keep their crunchy texture over the days. They can last up to two days, but I am sure they will not last that long! In other words, they are delicious and it will be almost impossible to resist eating them!
Langues de chat, lenguas de gato, lingues di gatto, cat´s tonge … All countries use the same name for these delicious biscuits!
Difficulty: EASY
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Baking time: 10 – 12 minutes
INGREDIENTS (For 25 – 30 langues)

- 60 g wheat flour
- 1 egg (L Size)
- 60 g butter
- 30 g sugar
- Sliced or diced almonds (optional)
Before starting, preheat the oven to 180 ºC. Heat top and bottom, without a fan. Place baking paper on a baking tray.
Firstly, beat (or cream) the butter and sugar until you have a light and fluffy texture.
Later, add the egg and the vanilla extract and continue beating.
Finally, add the flour and mix them until everything is well combined.

Pour the dough into a pipping bag. In this case, put 5 cm long “sausages” of dough. Be sure they are well spaced betweeen them.
As a variation, you can also sprinkle sliced or diced almonds on top of the dough before baking.

Afterwards, bake for 10 – 12 minutes or until the edges are more browm and centre is golden.
And lastly, quickly peel the langues de chat off the baking parchment and cool on a wire rack.

Recipe by Kokohuete Bakery25 - 30
Langues de chat30
minutes10 - 12
60 g wheat flour
60 g butter
1 egg (L)
30 g sugar
Sliced or diced almonds (optional)
- Heat the oven to 180 ºC. Place a baking parchment on a baking tray
- Beat the butter and sugar until you have a light and fluffy texture
- Add the egg and continue beating
- Add the flour and mix them until everything is well combined
- Pour the dough into a pipping bag, put 5 cm long sausages, well spaced between them
- Before baking, you can sprinkle sliced or diced almonds
- Bake for 10 - 12 minutes or until edges are more brown and centre is golden
- Quickly peel the langues de chat (or cat´s tongue) off the baking parchment and cool on a wire rack
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